13-Foot Coffins

Breakaway Outreach founder Jimmy Larche chronicles God’s redemptive fingerprints through childhood abandonment, fatherlessness, and abuse. Like the ancient Roman gladiators, we don’t get to choose the arenas we fight in, but we do get to choose how we will fight, and to what honor we will uphold. Pain, suffering, and injustice are often the catalysts that God uses to birth champions of His Cause.

Shapers: Leadership that Restores Hope, Rebuilds Lives

Deriving leadership principles from the biblical figure Nehemiah, “Shapers” is a look into the life and legacy of one of history’s greatest leaders of justice and compassion. This Old Testament hero of the faith took a city lying in ruins and rebuilt its walls in implausible time while facing relentless opposition—even an assassination attempt.

Five Loaves, Two Fish

Maybe you’ve been wrestling with feelings of inadequacy over what you have to offer God. Eleanor Powell is credited with saying, “What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.” But for many of us, our gift to God doesn’t feel like much. That’s why the story of Jesus miraculously feeding the multitudes with five loaves and two fish is so relevant to us all. Your little is never too small in the hands of a big God.

Audacity: Find Your Crazy. Change the World.

Life is no place for the timid. Throughout history, the people who have changed the world discovered God’s love language—faith—and boldly danced with it. They were common, ordinary people, very flawed, who made a decision to be defined by courage rather than fear and complacency. They didn’t die with the music still inside of them.